Resources to Assist with the Understanding and Research Regarding Sexual and Gender Minorities
The National Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health
The National Coalition is committed to improving the health and well-being of LGBT individuals and communities through public education, coalition building, and advocacy that focus on research, policy, education, and training.
The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
GLMA is the world's largest and oldest association of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) health care professionals.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus of The American Public Health Association
The LGBTC is a forum for public health workers interested in LGBT issues. The LGBT Caucus has been in official relations with the APHA since 1975. Since that time, the Caucus has provided a forum that supports the educational interchange among other LGBT public health members. We also encourage interchange between others who are not LGBT but are interested in becoming allies.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute: NGLTF
The LGBT Policy Institute is the LGBT movement’s premier think tank dedicated to advancing equality for LGBT people. Visit the Reports & Research section of the Web site to view the many groundbreaking reports issued by the Policy Institute.
The Human Rights Campaign: HRC
HRC is the largest national LGBT civil rights organization. HRC’S health information has historically focused on issues surrounding the HIV/AIDS pandemic. However HRC is dedicated to the coverage of all health related issues facing the LGBT community and broadening its information scope to include issues such as lesbian health, healthcare discrimination and the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), a project that provides a quality indicator for healthcare related to LGBT people.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: LGBT Health Section
The CDC is dedicated to protecting health and promoting quality of life through the prevention and control of disease, injury, and disability in America. This site provides information about the health concerns of LGBT populations.
The National LGBT Cancer Network
The National LGBT Cancer Network works to improve the lives of LGBT cancer survivors and those at risk by: EDUCATING the LGBT community about our increased cancer risks and the importance of screening and early detection; TRAINING health care providers to offer more culturally-competent, safe, and welcoming care; and ADVOCATING for LGBT survivors in mainstream cancer organizations, the media, and research.
The National Association of Lesbian and Gay Addiction Professionals
NALGAP's mission is to confront all forms of oppression and discriminatory practices in the delivery of services to all people and to advocate for programs and services that affirm all genders and sexual orientations. NALGAP provides information, training, networking, and advocacy about addiction and related problems, and support for those engaged in the health professions, individuals in recovery, and others concerned about the health of gender and sexual minorities.
The Williams Institute
The Williams Institute advances sexual orientation law and public policy through rigorous, independent research and scholarship, and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the public. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams Institute produces high quality research with real-world relevance.
Fenway Institute
The Fenway Institute at Boston’s Fenway Health conducts LGBT health research and evaluation, education and training, and public health advocacy. Fenway is affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Research affiliations include Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard and Brown Medical Schools.
Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays
PFLAG is a national organization with over 500 affiliate groups who promote the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, their families and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights.
The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization focused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.
Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders: SAGE
SAGE has been the leading force in the LGBT aging field since the organization was founded in 1978. As the oldest and largest organization of its kind in the world, SAGE provides the most expansive and robust service programs for LGBT older people as well as the most reliable, long-standing and visible advocacy platform from which to articulate the needs of this critically under-served population.
The Transgender Health Action Coalition
THAC is a coalition of trans-activists and trans-friendly supporters working together to define ourselves, our needs, and our diversity, as individuals and organizational representatives to address the lack of access to quality medical and mental health services transgender people face regardless of which segment of the community they are from.
The National Center for Transgender Equality
NCTE is a social justice organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration and empowerment. NCTE provides a consistent voice in Washington DC for transgender people by monitoring federal activity and communicating this activity to our members around the country, providing congressional education, and establishing a center of expertise on transgender issues. NCTE also maintains a federal transgender activists’ network.
Mautner Project: The National Lesbian Health Organization
Mautner Project improves the health of lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) women who partner with women (WPW) and their families. The Project conducts primary research about LBT women‘s health, promotes LBT health activism at the national, state and local levels, advocates for public & private sector research on lesbian health and for complete LGBT inclusion in mainstream health initiatives, educates policymakers, the press, and the general public about LBT women’s health, and mentors the next generation of LGBT health advocates, policy makers, and providers.
American Institute of Bisexuality
The American Institute of Bisexuality encourages, supports and assists research and education about bisexuality, through programs likely to make a material difference and enhance public knowledge, awareness and understanding about bisexuality.
BiNet USA Is America's umbrella organization and voice for bisexual, pansexual, fluid and other individuals as well as their lesbian, gay, and questioning friends and allies. BiNet USA promotes bisexual, pansexual and bi-inclusive visibility; and it collects and distributes educational information regarding sexual orientation and gender identity with an emphasis on the bisexual and pansexual communities.
Gender Education and Advocacy: GEA
GEA is a national organization focused on the needs, issues and concerns of gender variant people in human society. GEA seeks to educate and advocate, for all human beings who suffer from gender-based oppression in all of its many forms.
The National Black Justice Coalition
NBJC is a civil rights organization dedicated to empowering Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Its mission is to end racism and homophobia. As America's only nationwide Black gay civil rights organization, NBJC is the authoritative source on LGBT issues as they affect Black communities. NBJC develops and publishes a series policy statements and policy white Papers on Health care and other issues including women's health, HIV/AIDS, and health care financing.
Zuna Institute
Zuna Institute is a National Advocacy Organization for Black Lesbians that was created to address the needs of black lesbians in the areas of Health, Public Policy, Economic Development, and Education.
National Black Gay Men's Advocacy Coalition
The coalition is committed to improving the health and well-being of Black Gay Men through advocacy that is focused on research, policy, education and training. The Coalition is principally a policy driven coalition of organizations and members are committed to saving the lives of Black Men.
Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project: CHAMP
CHAMP is a national initiative building a powerful community-based movement bridging HIV/AIDS, human rights, and struggles for social, racial and economic justice: HIV Prevention Justice.
The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association: ILGA
ILGA is a world-wide network of national and local groups dedicated to achieving equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people everywhere. Founded in 1978, it now has more than 670 member organizations. Every continent and over 110 countries are represented.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health
WPATH is an international multidisciplinary professional Association whose mission is to promote evidence based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy and respect in transgender health.
The International Foundation for Transgender Education
IFGE promotes acceptance for transgender people. We advocate for freedom of gender expression and promote the understanding and acceptance of All People: Transgender, Bigender, Transsexual, Crossdresser, Agender, Gender Queer, Intersex, Two Spirit, Hijra, Kathoey, Drag King, Drag Queen, Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Straight, Butch, Femme, Faerie, Homosexual, Bisexual, Heterosexual, and - You!
The Global Alliance for LGBT Education: GALE
GALE is a learning community focusing on education about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues. GALE promotes the full inclusion of people who are disadvantaged because of their sexual orientation, sexual identity and their expression by identifying, enhancing and sharing educational expertise. The membership of the community is open to anyone actively involved in education about LGBT issues. GALE is a foundation, registered in The Hague, The Netherlands.
The International Federation of Black Pride
The IFBP is a coalition of Black Pride organizers formed to promote a multinational network of LGBT/SGL (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Same Gender Loving) community-based pride organizations with members in Toronto, Johannesburg, and London, and partners in LGBT Communities in Ghana, Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Cameroon. In addition, the IFBP has provided support to Black LGBT groups in Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana.
The Intersex Society of North America: ISNA
The ISNA is devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female. "Intersex" is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
Rainbow World Fund
Rainbow World Fund (RWF) is an international relief agency based in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and friends community. RWF’s mission is to promote LGBT philanthropy in the area of world humanitarian relief. RWF works to help people who suffer from hunger, poverty, disease, oppression and war by raising awareness and funds to support relief efforts around the world.
Gay-Lesbian Issues Bibliography of Selected Library Resources: NYMC Health Sciences Library
This "Gay-Lesbian Health Issues" site is a dynamic list of resources intended to aggregate the available resources from the Health Sciences Library of New York Medical College (NYMC). It supports the educational initiative of the College and the activities of the Task Force on Gay and Lesbian Health Care.
LGBT Issues Committee of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry: GAP
At this website LGBT/GAP presents an introductory mini-course in LGBT health and mental health for trainees and practitioners in any field. In a very accessible format, this series of modules provides a basic learning guide for working with LGBT clients. All modules include learning goals and objectives. Each module begins with a pre-test to help participants assess their existing knowledge about specific topics, followed by a post-test to assure that learning goals have been achieved. Modules also have relevant links, resource lists, and references to facilitate deeper exploration of topics. Hosted by the Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists.
ONE: National Gay & Lesbian Archives
The ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives honors the past, celebrates the present, and enriches the future of all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. We foster acceptance of sexual and gender diversity by supporting education and research about our heritage and experience worldwide. ONE is dedicated to collecting, preserving, documenting, studying, and communicating our history, our challenges, and our aspirations.